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1251 Huron Street, Unit #111

Alevia CHUM/BOB FM Toy Drive

Alevia CHUM/BOB FM Toy Drive

Alevia has been dedicated for years in helping the CHUM toy drive.

We will be collecting unwrapped toys for newborns to kids 18 years of age.

As well, financial donations are accepted. ($20 or more are eligible for tax receipt. Cheques only please)

Our Participating clinics:

6750 Winston Churchill Blvd. Unit 107
Mississauga, Ontario
L5N 4C4
Phone: 905-785-9952

1035 Brant Street, Unit 10A
Burlington, Ontario
L7R 4X6
Phone: 905-315-9955












Alevia London is supporting BOB FM’s Magical Mountain of Toys, in support of Children’s Hospital and the Salvation Army! Share some holiday
happiness by helping us collect toys for children this holiday season!
Once all the toys are in, BOB FM will deliver them to the Children’s Hospital and Salvation Army Christmas hamper depot for distribution!
Please stop by and donate an unwrapped gift suitable for children ages newborn to 18- we appreciate your support!

Our Participating clinics:


1251 Huron Street, Unit #111
London, Ontario
N5Y 4V1
(beside Dollarama on Huron Street, now open, accepting new patients)
Phone: 519-453-7117

We appreciate all your support

Happy Holidays

Alevia Staff

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